The dragon does not breath ordinary fire

  • I was thinking, f2p have coinshare and lootshare, but theres no point, it'll never actualy be utilized as theres no fall over 50k from any monster. So whats the point? F2p have recieved a new guild, a load of RS gold new minigames and new armour and weapons. What better way than to provide f2p a boss monster to actually get them drooling in the lips? The issue with the boss is that incorporating a new powerful item to mellee will unbalance f2p even mroe, adding it to range or mage will jsut annyo the majority of mellers, I had to be more sneaky...

    Blurite Dragons live in the blurite caverns, to gain accsess you want an"Ice crucial". To obtain it you want: Red berry Pie. Conclusion of knights sword. Dragon Slayer is highly reccomended. Just talk to the dwarf in knights sword, then give him the dish to the"odd icicle" aka the ice essential. As soon as you have the key go down to the blurite cave, close to the eastern end is a doorway outline. Use the key on the outline and input.

    WARNING! The ice key hits 1 damage for every 20 minutes holding it. The Keys result is nulified from the cave, your getting hit ones anyway. (see later) The cavern will have a vaierty of ice Giants (lv 52, 83, 106) and ice hockey artists (lv 57, 90 and 110). All aggressive in a multi battle area. You enter a major place with a frozen lake at the middle. Around the border is two deep square piece of land. 9fakes coming shortly )

    It will never drift off the ice lake also has the following outcomes. If you stand of the ice lake having over 30kg of all items you risk falling in. Should you drop in the lake you just take 10 damage and take 5 seconds to float into the side.

    The dragon does not breath ordinary fire, it rather breaths ice. This is a magical attack that may hit around 30. Even if no harm is caused the ice breath nevertheless holds you in place for 3 seconds. The dragon can stamp its feet, this cracks the ice but does greater damage to the roof, boulders rain back on every player as a range attack causing up to 15 harm. The dragon is very weak against fire attacks. So its a hard monster for f2p, should not offer to much trouble for p2p.

    These items are introduced for a couple reasons: They're unlikely to be used by members. They are desinged to balance the f2p battle triangle. Staff lets mages hold opponents easier, and gain a small attack increase against rangers. Additionally a slight damage boost, but less likely to hit. Warhammer should cope with tanks and buy RuneScape gold bring a small bit of p2p excitment of murdering people a little more fast... Mantle has lower defences but provides a greater range attack letting rangers hit higher.